Summer Braai Days
Summer Braai Days: Make your Braai More Sustainable

Being South African we in the SXOLLIE team have a strong love for a good braai (BBQ), and often find ourselves rather perplexed at some people’s desire to turn all placed items on said fire into unidentifiable crisps of charcoal.
This summer we take a stand, and enlist the help of Jan Braai to help you create the most amazing spread for your guests this summer. But first of some history;
September 24th is an official public holiday to mark South Africa’s multi-cultural heritage after the fall of apartheid in 1994, and it has become synonymous with Braai Day. An incredible initiative set up by Jan Braai along with patron, the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
x Choose meat from sustainable suppliers
x Use FSC certified wood
x Keep the lid on to use less fuel
x Avoid food waste - don’t over-cater!
x Avoid single use plastic
x Choose eco-friendly firelighters

Archbishop Desmond Tutu said:
"The fireplace was
a traditional gathering place in Africa and that anything from meat to vegetables could be put on a braai, a pastime enjoyed by South Africans of all races."
But more than creating delicious food, every year, Jan rallies an estimated 15– 20 million South Africans to take part in National Braai Day celebrations.
What are your top 3 tips to creating the perfect fire?
Enough dry wood. If you have any doubt whether you have enough wood then you don’t have enough wood. Stack them in triple piece layers like jenga blocks with fair gaps between each piece for airflow. Use lots of eco-firelighters, don’t skimp, they are there for a reason, to light the fire.
How do you know the fire is ready for cooking?
"When there is a huge bed of red hot coals."
Please tell us how to make sure the food isn’t over/ undercooked?
Use a digital instant read meat thermometer. This is the single biggest tip I can give anyone to elevate their braai game. Stick the thermometer into the meat and you will know absolutely exactly what is going on. About 53 Celsius for steak, 63 for lamb, 71 for pork and 80 for chicken.